Living Here
- Animals Services
- Bridges, Roads, Sidewalks & Streetlights
- Cemetery
- COVID-19
- Crime Prevention
- Emergency Preparedness
- Environment
- Fire Services
- Garbage and Recycling
- Health Services
- Let's Connect, Port Colborne
- Municipal Drains
- Parking
- Property Taxes
- Retirement Living
- School Crossing Guards
- Transit
- Virtual City Hall
- Water and Wastewater
- Winter Control
Recreation and Leisure
- Beaches
- Community Groups and Organizations
- City Events
- Farmers' Market
- Heritage, Arts and Culture
- Historical and Marine Museum
- Library
- Parks, Pavilions, Trails, Fields and Green Spaces
- PORTicipate Pass
- Sugarloaf Marina
- Vale Health and Wellness Centre
- Visiting Port Colborne
- Communities in Bloom
Business and Development
- Arts & Culture Master Plan
- Building Permits and Construction
- Business Directory
- Business Licences
- Business Resources
- Completed Projects
- Cruise Ships and Waterfront Revitalization
- Current City Projects
- Invest in Port Colborne
- Municipal Consent Permits
- Opportunities, Projects and Tenders
- Planning and Development
- Studio Port Colborne
City Hall
- A-Z Services
- Accessibility
- Affordable Housing Strategy
- Applications, Grants, Licences and Permits
- Budget and Financial Reporting
- By-laws
- Career Opportunities
- Commissioner of Oaths
- Committees and Boards
- Active Transportation Advisory Committee
- Canal Days Marine Heritage Festival Advisory Committee
- Committee of Adjustment
- Downtown Business Improvement Area Board of Management
- Economic Development Advisory Committee
- Environmental Advisory Committee
- Grant Allocation Advisory Committee
- Heritage Port Colborne
- Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee
- Main Street Business Improvement Area Board of Management
- Niagara Transit Commission Board
- Port Colborne Public Library Board
- Port Colborne Historical and Marine Museum Board
- Appeals and Property Standards Committee
- Port Colborne Senior Citizens Advisory Committee
- Social Determinants of Health Advisory Committee
- Transportation Strategy Steering Committee
- Contact Us
- Council
- Council, Boards and Committees Calendar
- Customer Service
- Freedom of Information
- Municipal Accommodation Tax
- Municipal Elections
- News and Notices
- Plans, Reports and Studies
- Building Monthly Reports
- Development Charges Background Study
- Drinking Water Quality Reports
- East Side Employment Lands
- Economic Development Strategy and Action Plan
- Modernization Grant - Human Resources Management and Information System
- Nickel Street Storm Sewer
- Port Colborne Service Delivery Review
- Storm Sewer System Infrastructure Needs Study
- Water Distribution System Infrastructure Needs Study
- Rates and Fees
- Short-Term Rentals
- Strategic Plan 2023-2026