Now until approximately June 25, 2021, between 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday to Friday, Canadian Niagara Power crews will be completing construction at the south end of Catharine Street. To complete this project, CNP will be utilizing the south end of King Street and the trail running to H.H. Knoll Lakeview Park. The trail will remain open to pedestrians; however, residents and visitors are asked to be mindful of construction and use caution when accessing the area. King Street will remain open and on occasion road access may be reduced and a flag person will be onsite to direct traffic.

CNP is currently in the process of rebuilding the Catharine Street sub-station to improve system reliability and upgrade existing assets. This will require pole replacements on Catharine Street and along the walking trail.

We appreciate your patience and cooperation while this work is being completed. 

Please see map below for location of construction:


Please call CNP Customer Service at 905-871-0330