Where: East Village Community Park - Victoria Playground

Who: Users of Victoria Playground and residents in surrounding area.

When: September 30 to November 15, 2023. Weather permitting.

What: To support the necessary renovations at Victoria Playground, the park will be temporarily closed from September 30 to November 15, 2023.

The planned improvements for the park include:

·       Installation of a new rubber surface mat.

·       Installation of a new swing set.

·       Addition of an engagement swing.

·       Installation of a play structure designed for children aged 3 to 5 years.

·       Installation of a new all-age play structure.

During this period, we appreciate your understanding and patience as we work to enhance the park for the enjoyment of the community. We look forward to reopening the improved Victoria Playground for all to enjoy once the renovations are complete.

For more information, contact 905-835-2900 ext. 225.