The City of Port Colborne is gearing up for an unbe-leaf-able summer thanks to its participation in the Communities in Bloom program. The friendly flower competition. The friendly flower competition encourages residents to showcase their community's beauty through environmental care, including the conservation of cultural spaces and heritage assets. The City will be providing seeds to residents who wish to support the initiative. Seeds handouts will begin May 24 at the Port Colborne Farmers’ Market (limit one per person) and following that will be available at City Hall and the Port Colborne Public Library.
As many South Niagara residents prepare to begin planting over the Victoria Day long weekend, the City would like to encourage residents to consider this year’s Communities in Bloom theme, which is orange to honour the many Indigenous communities across the country. The seeds provided by the City will be orange marigolds.
The City will also be participating in the planting effort, with orange flowers to be placed in the following locations:
- West Street Promenade
- Lock 8
- Vale Health and Wellness Centre
- Roselawn Centre
- H.H. Knoll Lakeview Park carpet bed
- City Hall
Some orange flower varieties that can grow well in Port Colborne’s hardiness zone include:
- Marigolds
- Begonias
- Zinnias
- Sun Impatiens
- Orange Sunflowers
Communities in Bloom judging takes place between late July and mid August. Judging dates for Port Colborne have not yet been announced.
For more information, please visit www.portcolborne.ca/communitiesinbloom.