With the persistence of Covid-19, Port Cares acknowledges that many families in Niagara will not be able to gather and celebrate Family Day with loved ones this year. The agency is also very concerned about the growing number of families experiencing hardships as a result of the pandemic including social isolation, job loss, low income and the difficulties in securing and maintaining safe and affordable housing.
To help families stay positive and resilient, Port Cares has put together a number of new Family Day services and programs aimed particularly at vulnerable and at-risk families. “The pandemic has reshaped daily life as we once knew it. From wearing masks, to online schooling, to when and how children can play together; both families with young children as well as multi-generational families with grandparents and great-grandparents have continually had to adapt this past year. One of the toughest aspects for families no matter how large or small has been the social isolation,” explains Christine Clark Lafleur, Executive Director of Port Cares. “Through the past eleven months all of our programs including employment and training, child development services and our food bank, we’ve heartbreakingly witnessed the strain on families due to the pandemic.”
On Monday, February 15, the Port Cares Reach Out Centre will cook a special home-style take out turkey dinner to ensure vulnerable residents have access to a hot, nutritious and healthy meal on their own.
The agency has also partnered with the Port Colborne Fire Department who will be delivering this special Family Day meal to low-income, isolated seniors in town. Seniors can register for this by calling 905-321-1934.
“Port Colborne has one of the highest senior populations in Canada. Now, more than ever, our community needs to assist our local seniors to maintain their health, well-being and independence,” says Lafleur.
Port Cares also provides EarlyON child development services throughout Niagara with centres in Lincoln, West Lincoln, Pelham, Seaway Mall, Crystal Beach/Ridgeway and Port Colborne. While the EarlyON centres have been closed to in-person services since the onset of the pandemic, the agency has developed a robust and vibrant virtual platform to interact and support children and families.
Nearly 400 children and adults are currently participating in Port Cares’ EarlyON virtual programs every week via zoom.
To celebrate Family Day, Port Cares’ EarlyON Virtual team is featuring special guest readers for their daily “Night Time Tales” segment on Instagram and Facebook. Community leaders, including local Mayors, Regional Councillors and MPs are reading a children’s book of their choosing, each night next week as part of a “Family Week” celebration.
“Some of our special guests are reading children’s books that are their family’s favourites, while sharing encouraging and supportive messages to families who have joined our virtual programming that aims to ease the impact of isolation,” said Clark Lafleur. “We have parents connecting with other parents across the region in our zoom sessions which is a wonderful outcome of this virtual setting we’re providing.”
A message from Port Cares.