The City of Port Colborne has retained McIntosh Perry Consulting Engineers to undertake a study to develop an Active Transportation Master Plan (ATMP) for the City. The ATMP will serve as a centralized document to guide all active transportation related development within the City and will support the management and direction of short and long-term active transportation initiatives until 2032.
The Port Colborne ATMP study will be carried out in 4 stages:
- Stage 1: A review of background data relevant to the study
- Stage 2: An assessment of the existing active transportation network, a visioning workshop with stakeholders, online public survey, and meetings with the City’s Active Transportation Committee
- Stage 3: Public information open house and development/ refinement of the proposed 10-year ATMP
- Stage 4: Submission and presentation of the final ATMP
Get Involved
Public and stakeholder input will be a critical part of developing the Port Colborne ATMP. At any time during this study, residents may provide comments, questions, and concerns to the project team. Over the course of the study, one round of public consultation will be held, including online survey.
At this time, we are requesting input on local active transportation conditions, road safety, connections to trails, walkways and public park facilities within the City and any other feedback and concerns you may have.
How to Participate?
The City of Port Colborne will be posting information about this study through a project website at www.portcolborne.ca/en/business-and-development/current-projects.aspx#Active-Transportation-Master-Plan where we will provide key project information and reports as well as educational information. Details about the online survey and specific date, time and location of the public information open house will be posted on this website and in local newspaper.
You can also contact the project team with any questions related to this study or to be added to the project contact list:
Adam Motchka Project Manager / Infrastructure City of Port Colborne Tel: 905.835.2900 x225 |
Mehemed Delibasic, P.Eng. Consultant Project Manager McIntosh Perry Consulting Engineers Limited Tel: 647.463.2022 |